The Allison Inn And Spa

state of the garden

Chefs Garden Outdoor Event Tent In the Snow

March came in like a lion after lulling us into thinking that warm weather had arrived. The plants aren’t fooled. They are growing appropriately for this time of year.


The sunchokes are unaffected by temperature fluctuations because they are underground. We still have plenty to harvest.

Sprouting Broccoli

Chefs Garden Purple Sprouting Broccoli

Despite the leaves showing battle scars from freezing, the sprouting broccoli is sending up gorgeous purple shoots. We have started harvesting, with plenty more to come.



Chefs Garden Chives

We are also harvesting chives! They are shouting, “Spring”!


The thyme is not looking promising at this point. We might need to replant the entire bed, but we have yet to determine. Suffice it to say, the thyme looks dormant or dead.


Miner's Lettuce

We have gone a bit crazy in the lettuce department. As soon as it’s large enough, we will transplant it into a stock tank in the greenhouse. We are anticipating the next round of lettuce will be able to be planted in the outside stock tanks.


Chefs Garden Sprouting Kale

The kale has decided, “Enough with this leaf growth, time for flowers and seeds!” As you can see from the photo, the plant stem is tall, and the leaves are small. We will soon have kale flowers available.


Chefs Garden Microgreens

Micro-green production is keeping up with demand.

Heat Tables

The tomatoes are seeded! Some of the peppers have germinated. Space on the heat tables is becoming crowded. All of these are signs that, despite the snow, spring is right around the corner.

Chefs Garden Icy Daffodils

In the meantime, come to the Garden to see what else we have growing. The event tent is up, and we will put out the furniture this coming week.

See you in the Garden!

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