The Allison Inn And Spa

State Of The Garden

Snap Peas

CHAMOMILE | The Allison gardeners are harvesting chamomile for the spa and kitchen.

CALIFORNIA POPPIES | This year, the California Poppies are elbowing their way in on the show, making harvesting enjoyable.

California Poppies And Chamomile

SNAP PEAS | The gardeners started harvesting the snap peas this past week. So far, the weather has been very favorable for pea production.

SHELLING PEAS | The garden may have enough shelling peas ready to harvest by the end of the week! The plants are full of immature peas. So if the weather cooperates with us, the garden could have a fantastic harvest with a lot of pea shelling in the future!

Shelling Peas

KOHLRABI | The gardeners are growing small kohlrabi for an early harvest. Their goal is to harvest by the third week of June, and it looks like that will happen. The gardeners specifically chose a variety with the shortest days to maturity.


MICROGREENS, EDIBLE FLOWERS, & RHUBARB | There is a good supply of microgreens, edible flowers, and rhubarb. The gardeners harvest all of these regularly.

PATTY PAN SQUASH & ZUCCHINI | The patty pan squash in the greenhouse is far ahead of the squashes planted outside. The gardeners have fruit and flowers to harvest when they are needed. The squashes outside have started growing and will catch up quickly. Anna Ashby, the master gardener, says, “Before you know it, we will be overwhelmed in patty pans and zucchinis!”

Patty Pan Squash And Zucchini

Come on out to the garden to see what else is growing. Be careful, Anna might hand you a hoe!
-The Allison

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