The Allison Inn And Spa

State of the Garden

We spotted this unusual coloration on the underside of a Swiss chard leaf this week. The topside of the leaf had even brighter color contrasts with the central vein’s neon yellow, outlined in bright green and surrounded by reddish purple. It is striking, to say the least. Plants react to cold temperatures in interesting ways. Regardless of color, the Swiss chard is doing well, and we are harvesting as requested.

We have other braising greens: collards, dragons tongue mustard, and the old standby kale.


The micro-green situation is healthy. Currently, everything is germinating and growing well. We plant a few pots of sorrel each week, but they are very slow-growing. It takes 8-10 weeks before they are ready to harvest. This is twice as long as the next slowest-growing micro-green. We look forward to February because the increased light levels make a difference in plant growth.

Fall Cauliflower

Chefs Garden Fall Cauliflower Winter Harvest
Chefs Garden Fall Cauliflower Winter Harvest

It’s the final harvest of fall cauliflower. We have had a great season. This year, we are experimenting with an overwintering cauliflower, which should be ready in March. Time will tell if we are successful in this endeavor.

Overwintering Broccoli

Chefs Garden Overwintering Broccoli
Chefs Garden Overwintering Broccoli

We found tiny heads developing when cleaning the lower leaves from the overwintering broccoli. You can look forward to broccoli arriving next month or at the end of this month.


Chef's Garden Celeriac

We have an abundance of celeriacWe plan to harvest a lot next week because we have been closely monitoring the weather forecast. Our mild winter might end next week with extended days of freezing temperatures.


We still have a good supply of sunchokes out of sight underground. We harvest them on request.

Sweet Potatoes & Winter Squash

We are keeping the kitchen stocked with sweet potatoes and winter squash. We will let you know when we run low.

Come out to the Garden to see what else we have growing.


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