The Allison Inn And Spa

State of the Garden

Winter Cauliflower in Chefs Garden

reflecting on 2023's growing season...

It’s time to reflect on the past season to inform decisions for the next season. Let’s use the cauliflower as an example; was the quantity we planted too much, too little, or just right? How about the flavor? Was it good or bad? We have a few of each of the varieties pictured above to harvest. We are waiting for them to get larger. That will finish the cauliflower until the overwintered variety matures in about March.

Summer Squashes

Now, think back to the summer squash and apply the same questions.

Zucchini and Yellow Squash in Chefs Garden


I know we had fresh beans overflowing and abundant. We grew 5 different varieties. Should we grow all 5 varieties again? Should we grow less of each variety? So many decisions need to take place away from the siren call of seed catalogs. Each description makes that particular vegetable seem too marvelous to miss. Gardeners, as well as chefs, are easily beguiled by seed catalogs.

Chefs Garden Beans
Chefs Garden Purple String Beans


We are getting to the end of parsley. Once there is a good freeze, it will finish the parsley season. We will harvest until that happens.

Winter Greens

Chef's Garden Leafy Greens

We have plenty of sturdy greens like kale, chard, and mustard.


The overwintered sprouting broccoli needs to overwinter before it will be ready. We will get back to you about it as we get closer.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

We are keeping a supply of sweet potatoes available for kitchen use. We will let you know when we are running low.


Winter Squashes And Sweet Potatoes

Our plan to have the butternut and delicata squashes appear as if by magic in the kitchen is working well from the gardeners’ point of view. The squashes are being used.

2023 - The Year of The Pepper

Colorful Peppers in Chefs Garden

I will leave you with another photo to remind you that 2023 was the Year of the Pepper! We had perfect weather and many varieties which all produced very well. As we meet to plan next year, remember past years. We can’t control the weather, but we control what we plant and how much. Sometimes, the gardeners need help remembering as well!

See you in the Garden!

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