The Allison Inn And Spa

State of The Garden

Chef's Garden Summer Flowers
August is the month in which all the summer crops peak. The gardeners are spending almost all of our days harvesting and watering.


Chef's Garden Summer Honey Harvest
Honey Harvest 2023 has finished. It was a sticky week for all involved. Now the gardeners move to the next phase of beekeeping, preparing for winter survival.


Tomatoes and peppers are still on the rise. The gardeners are harvesting twice per week.


Chef's Garden Vegetable Harvest

The gardeners might have overplanted cucumbers! They are harvesting them every other day but might need to increase to daily harvesting for a week or so.


The summer squashes are harvested daily and are still getting a sizable harvest each day.


The beans seem the think it is their job to feed the entire city of Newberg. The gardeners will finish harvesting them tomorrow. These are other vegetables that they harvest twice a week.


Wally - Chef's Garden Maintenance Truck

Meet “Wally,” Allison’s garden/maintenance truck. It cuts down on the back-and-forth trips, which are limited to the amount the gardeners can carry in wheelbarrows.

Come on out to the garden to see what else is growing. The entire garden is looking good and is super productive. See you in the garden!

– The Allison

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