Wellness Therapies

Personalized Hands-On Therapy for Motion Relief

Tailored Stretches and Therapeutic Techniques for Deep Relaxation

Many individuals experience limitations in motion, tight muscles, and neck pain, hindering their overall well-being. Discover a personalized solution through hands-on therapy that caters to your body’s unique needs. This comprehensive approach involves gentle stretches and a blend of therapeutic techniques, applying targeted pressure to restore your overall health and invoke deep relaxation. The sessions are meticulously adjusted to your comfort level, ensuring maximum benefits for your individual requirements. Additionally, enjoy the soothing touch of steamed towel compressions, enhancing the overall therapeutic experience.

assisted stretch therapy

45 minute session - $125

All check-in times are 15-30min prior to service start time.
Overnight guests are encouraged to arrive in hotel-provided robes.
Cancellation policy: within 48hrs – 50% charge / within 24hrs – full charge.
Menu selection and pricing subject to change.
90 minute options not offered at this time.
A 3% service charge will be applied to most services.